Set all items as taxable

The following are instructions on how to set all of your items to be taxable and have GST apply.  If you only wish one of these values to be set, only set a default value for the taxable option that you want to set in the steps below.

1. Make a backup of your existing data.

2. Click "Options - Import - Stock Codes" from the main menu.

3. Choose "ElevateDB" from the data type drop down listbox.

4. Click the "Select" button and select the database that you are currently using.  If you are not using a "Named" data location, select the folder in which your current data is being stored.   Once you have selected the database, a list of tables will be displayed.

5. Locate and highlight the CODE table.  Once you have highlighted the CODE table, click the OK button.

6. Click OK.

7. On the data mapping screen, click the "Defaults" button.

8. Click the Insert button.

9. Enter "True" (without the quotes) in the Field Text field at the top of the default field mapping window and highlight the "Taxable" entry in the map to list.  Click the Ok button.

10. Click the Insert button again.

11. Enter "True" (without the quotes) in the Field Text field at the top of the default field mapping window and highlight the "GST Applies" entry in the map to list.  Click the Ok button.

12. The Default Data Mapping window should now show you two entries with a default value of "True" which are mapped to the "Taxable" and "GST Applies" fields.  Click OK.

13.Change the Import Mode at the bottom to "Update Only".

14. Click the OK button and click Yes when asked if you want to start the import.

When the process is completed, all of the inventory items will be set as taxable.