#Deleted displayed in Linked Tables that are accessed using an ODBC driver connecting to a Unicode database in Access or Excel.

This problem exists for all databases, including Microsoft SQL Server, and is not specific to Atrex.
While Access is a Unicode aware application and for many situations can read Unicode data without problem (e.g., read-only tables), for Linked Tables, Access makes use of the Microsoft Jet Engine to perform processing.  Unlike Access, the Jet Engine is NOT Unicode aware.
The "#Deleted" text occurs when the Microsoft Jet database engine cannot confirm a specific column value exists for a row. There are several Microsoft documents explaining this behavior (e.g.,  http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;128809).
Of all the options presented in the Microsoft documentation to resolve this issue, the easiest of these is to use read-only imported tables, rather than linked tables.

While not a simple as imported tables, an SQL pass-through query is more flexible.  SQL pass-through queries are used to send commands directly to an ODBC database server. By using an SQL pass-through query, you work directly with the server tables instead of having the Microsoft Jet database engine process the data.  Instructions on creating an SQL pass-through query are provided using the following link: