Moving a Database Server to a new server

The following instructions will allow you to perform the move to a new replacement server and test that everything is working before you switch to the new server for live use. 

  1. Download and install the Atrex database server engine from the client center that corresponds to the version of Atrex that you are using on the new server.   For Atrex 21 and newer, install the server engine into "C:\Program Files\Atrex Database Server".  For Atrex 20 and older, install it into "C:\Program Files (x86)\Atrex Database Server". 
  2. Open up the services application from the Windows start menu and locate the Atrex database server.  It will be listed as ElevateDB Server or EDBSRVR.
  3. Right click on the service and stop it.  Leave the services management application open.
  4. From the old server, locate the folder in which the Atrex Database Server is installed.
  5. Copy the EDBConfig.EDBCfg from the old server database folder into the new server database folder.
  6. Switch back to the services management application, right click on the server engine, and start the service.
  7. Copy the Atrex Central folder from the old server to the new server using the same path.  If a different path is used, the database server configuration must be updated in step 12.
  8. Create the Atrex Data folder on the new server using the same path.  If a different path is used, the database server configuration must be updated in step 12.
  9. Create the folder Backup directly below the data folder.
  10. Copy a backup from the old server and place that backup in the Backup folder on the new server.  
  11. If you have multiple databases, repeat steps 8 through 10 for each database.
  12. Open the Atrex Database Server administrator and configure it to create the required database entries if they did not copy over.  If you only have one database, it's best to use the New Server option under the Quick Setup menu. 
  13. For each database displayed, right click and select "Verify Database Objects".
  14. After all of the databases have been verified, close the Atrex Database Administrator.   
  15. On one of the workstations, start Atrex and edit the reports/central location (Options - Locations - Reports/Central Location) and modify the "Host" field to point to the new server.  Click the "Select Database" button and you should see a list of the available databases.  If you do not, the new server is not accessible (e.g., firewall blocking port 12010).
  16. Select  "Options - Locations - Data Location" from the main Atrex menu, select the data location, and confirm that you are accessing the new server.  There is no data present on the new server so you will be prompted to enter company information.  If you are planning on restoring from a backup, you can click Cancel on the quick setup window as all of the information will be replaced when the data is restored.
  17. Select "Options - Backup/Restore - Restore and click "Select File".  You should only see the one backup you previously copied from the old server.  Select the file and restore the data.
  18. Test the data to confirm that existing transactions can be edited and new transactions created.
  19. Repeat steps 16 and 17 for each data location that you migrated to the new server.
  20. Edit the workstation reports/central location and set the "Host" back to the old server then select the data location and confirm that you are working on the old server (e.g., check that a transaction created on new server is not present).
 Once you are ready to move to the new server for live use, follows these steps:
  1. Close Atrex on all but one workstation.
  2. On the one workstation with Atrex still open, perform a backup, copy that file to the new server to the backup folder corresponding to the data location that you are currently in.
  3. Repeat step 2 for each data location that you have configured.
  4. Rename and turn off the old server.  If you are not taking the old server off line or renaming it, make sure that you stop and then configure the Atrex Database Server service on the old server to be manual start only.   This step will prevent workstations from connecting to the old data.
  5. Rename the new server to the same name as the old server was previously and restart the server.
  6. Start Atrex on one of the workstations then go to Options - Backup/Restore - Restore and select the backup just performed on the old server.
  7. Repeat step 6 for each data location.
Note that steps 4 and 5 are intended to eliminate the need to modify any settings on the workstations.  If you do not wish to the rename your servers, the reports/central location for each workstations must be edited to point to the new server. 

Applies to Atrex 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23