Limit time frame for User/Group Reports
Idea shared by Jeffery Nissen - 7/20/2017 at 4:38 PM
Under Consideration
Is it possible to limit the length of time a user can print reports. For example they need to be able to print the receivables, sales & service reports and others for the daily paperwork, however, with that functionality they have access to the entire history. Would like to have them only be able to print that day or weeks report. 

3 Replies

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Mark Culos Replied
Employee Post
As this has not been requested previously, it is unlikely that the standard functionality will be altered in this way.  The best was to achieve this result is through user defined reports.
You can start with any of the standard reports and rather than giving the user the option to set the date range, hardcode the date range into the report.  If you are not familiar with report modifications, the following is a link to an article on the topic:
I watched the videos again and must have missed it, where/how do I hardcode the date into SLS1011 for the sales overview report and SO1005 for the service overview report. I saw the invoice.TransDate = 7/11/2003 but I could only set it for a specific date.
Thank you much.
Mark Culos Replied
Employee Post
What you are needing is not specific to the report designer and rather part  of the SQL so it is not shown in the videos.  What you need to use is the SQL function Current_Date which you enter in rather than a specific date as it will read the date from the system.
As you also mentioned wanting a date range, this can be achieved by first specifying the operator Between and then the following value (assumption is that you want the past week):
Current_Date - Interval '7' Day, Current_Date
You can vary the above as necessary as long as you keep with the format
Start Date, End Date

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