Configure the Atrex/ElevateDB .NET Data Provider

These instructions assume that you have already installed the Atrex .NET data provider and that you are familiar enough with your development environment to know how to create a .NET data connection.  Unless otherwise directed to do so, leave any unspecified values at their default value.


1. Create a new SQL data source in your development environment.
2. Start the process to configure the connection string for the new data source.
3. Set the connection information:

For Local Connections:


a. Set the "Local - ConfigPath" entry to the full path to the Atrex Central folder.  If you are not sure where your Atrex central folder is, you can find this by starting Atrex and selecting "Help - System Information" from the main Atrex menu.  The central path will be listed on the Atrex tab of that window.
b. Set the "Connection - Type" value to "Local".
c. Set the "Connection - UID" value to "Administrator"
d. Set the "Connection - PWD" value to "EDBDefault"
e. Click on the drop down arrow of the "Connection - Database" value and select the database that you want to connect to.  If you are using named locations within Atrex, each entry will be displayed in the drop down list box for you to select from.  Choose the location name that you want to connect to.  If you are not using named locations, select the "DirectData" entry.  

For Remote Connections: 


a. Set the "Connection - Type" value to "Remote".
b. Set the "Remote - Host" value to the name of the server OR set the "Remote - Address" value to the IP (v4) of the server.   Do NOT set both values
c. Set the "Remote - Ping" value to True.
d. If you are connecting to a server that is not located physically within your local area network set the compression to 7, otherwise leave it set to 0. 
e. Set the "Connection - UID" and the "Connection - PWD" values to the User Name and Password that you are using within Atrex to connect to your server.  While you can use the administrator name and password ( "Administrator" & "EDBDefault"), it is not recommended.
f. Click on the drop down arrow of the "Connection - Database" value and select the database that you want to connect to.  

At this point, you should be able to click the "Test Connection" button to verify that the data provider is configured correctly to connect to the database.