select t.number, t.transdate, t.custnum, t.shipvia, t.custpo, t.shipping, if ((length(t.shipname) + length(t.shipcompany) > 0) then t.shipcompany else as fe_company, if ((length(t.shipname) + length(t.shipcompany) > 0) then t.shipname else LTrim(coalesce(c.firstname, '') + ' ' + c.lastname)) as fe_shipname, if ((length(t.shipname) + length(t.shipcompany) > 0) then t.shipadd else c.add1) as fe_shipadd, if ((length(t.shipname) + length(t.shipcompany) > 0) then t.shipadd2 else c.add2) as fe_shipadd2, if ((length(t.shipname) + length(t.shipcompany) > 0) then t.shipcity else as fe_shipcity, if ((length(t.shipname) + length(t.shipcompany) > 0) then t.shipstate else c.state) fe_shipstate, if ((length(t.shipname) + length(t.shipcompany) > 0) then t.shipzip else fe_shipzip from invoice t join cust c on t.custnum = c.custnum
select t.number, t.transdate, t.custnum, t.shipvia, t.custpo, t.shipping, if (t.shipname is not null then t.shipname else LTrim(coalesce(c.firstname, '') + ' ' + c.lastname)) as fe_shipname, if (t.shipname is not null then t.shipadd else c.add1) as fe_shipadd, if (t.shipname is not null then t.shipadd2 else c.add2) as fe_shipadd2, if (t.shipname is not null then t.shipcity else as fe_shipcity, if (t.shipname is not null then t.shipstate else c.state) fe_shipstate, if (t.shipname is not null then t.shipzip else fe_shipzip from invoice t join cust c on t.custnum = c.custnum
select * from U_FedEx where number = <number>
update invoice set tracknum = '<TrackingNumber>' where number = <number>
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