How can I get the historical price of a StockCode included in a container?
Question asked by Stan Paulauskas - 4/4/2022 at 7:29 AM
I'm using Atrex 19.0 and am creating a dashboard to report on orders. As part of this report I need to break down the container items into their various components. I need to show both the cost and price for each StockCode at the time the order was placed. 

I've been able to use the conitems table to link the order's container item with the component StockCodes and their Cost. However, if I then try to pull the Price from the code table, I get the current price, not the price at the time of the order. 

How can I get the historical price of a StockCode included in a container?

4 Replies

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Terry Swiers Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
You can't.  Containers are priced at the high level item itself, so the price of the individual components of the container isn't stored as part of the container contents.  
Stan Paulauskas Replied
Ah, ok. I'll have to get more creative about how I determine this then.
Frank B Austin Replied
I load Atrex on a separate laptop and restore old Atrex data to it. This allows you to look back at old dates and thus prices at the time. Little awkward but would work.
Stan Paulauskas Replied
Frank, thanks for the insight. We've implemented a CDC using database triggers on the necessary tables/columns. Our use-case has few enough changes per second that this works well for us. 

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