Changes are coming for Mercury, but is everything else being cut off?
Question asked by John Daniel - 7/31/2015 at 3:52 PM
     With the announcement of EMV becoming the standard in DSS-PCI, I see you have put the PCCharge admission that they were abandoning ship right out there for folks to see.  (Thanks, by the way, because they never notified us about this decision that affects our installations and we only found it buried on their website when trying to renew a service agreement in June!)
      Now that there are many users having to scramble to find something else, is Atrex shutting down the ability to work with anything other than Mercury's plug-in?  Are there any 3rd party processors that may be used going forward or should we start looking?
Thanks for Having a Great Multipurpose POS for Such a Long Time,
John D. Daniel

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Mark Culos Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
While we believe that Mercury is the best option at this time because it is a fully out-of-scope solution, we are actively investigating other processing options given that PCCharge is no more.  Unfortunately, I cannot provide any details or a time line until our investigation proceeds further.  Given the start date for EMV, the only solution that we will have in place at that time will be Mercury with any other processors being added in the future.

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