Transfer inventory between 2 stores
Question asked by info - 12/29/2016 at 11:38 PM
Is there a way to transfer inventory between 2 stores (already have), BUT keep track how much was the cost of each transfer. we tried to use transfer stock before between the 2 store, it was much easier, However we were unable to keep track of the cost. Store 1 buys the inventory, trasfers to Store 2... at the end of the month/year. store 1 MADE a lot of purchases, yet store 2 does not make any purchases (expenses), yet have LARGE amounts of sales.. 
Because of this, we been "selling" to each other at cost and marking as payables. then pay the other store at the end of the month. basically treating store 1 and 2 both as vendors. is there a better way to get this accomplished?
J Li

3 Replies

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Terry Swiers Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
The inventory transfer function should allow you to move inventory between the locations and handle the inventory cost based upon your cost method in the receiving locations company settings.
info Replied
how do I keep track of how much inventory ($ wise) was transferred?
Terry Swiers Replied
Employee Post
Under the "Inventory" menu, look for the "Transfer" sub-menu. This set of functions will allow you to pull inventory from one location and move it to another. It will keep it's own separate list of what was transferred and the cost of the items at the time they were transferred.

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