List and Access tables from ODBC connection
Question asked by Stan Paulauskas - 8/4/2021 at 11:58 AM
I am using Atrex version 19.03. I have completed the setup of my ODBC DSN using the official configuration instructions (support.1000years DOT com/kb/a4/configure-the-atrex-elevatedb-odbc-driver.aspx). I chose to connect to the Atrex Data data base. I only see the Default namespace/schema. 

I'm now attempting to get a list of tables in the database using the Elevate DB Tables table (www DOT elevatesoft DOT com/manual?action=viewtopic&id=edb2sql&topic=Tables_Table). 

SELECT * from Tables;
When executing this query, I get an error saying this table doesn't exist. 

I've been able to infer some of the table names from the Atrex 14 Release notes (support DOT 1000years DOT com/kb/a17/atrex-14-database-structure-changes.aspx?KBSearchID=9627). Using those table names, I've been able to verify that the ODBC connection works, and I can view the contents of the Cust table. 

Question: Where can I find a list of tables present in the database and a description of their contents?

Sorry for the ugly URLs, I'm not allowed to use hyperlinks in my post.

3 Replies

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Terry Swiers Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
Use the information schema to access the catalog information:

SELECT * from information.Tables

For the table listing, open up the main Atrex help (F1 from the main window), and click on the contents tab.  You will see Reference \ Table Information \ Table Layouts in the tabs which will get you the table information that you are looking for.
Stan Paulauskas Replied
Thanks for the quick response. I'll give that a try. 

I do not have access to the Atrex program. I only have access through a read-only ODBC connection. Is there any other location this information is documented? Outside of the DB, of course. 
Terry Swiers Replied
Employee Post
I tried sending you the help file and it was blocked by your server.  You can grab a copy of the atrex.chm file from any system there that has Atrex installed and copy it to your system.  That will get you access to the table layouts.

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