Merging Quotes
Idea shared by Art Crowley - 8/5/2015 at 11:48 AM
We often send multiple quotes to a customer.  The customer will then combine all of the quotes they wish to purchase on one purchase order.  In order to close out each quote, we have to transfer each one to an order, then merge the orders into one. 
We would like to be able to merge the quotes into one quote first, then transfer that into an order.

3 Replies

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Mark Culos Replied
Employee Post
Thank you for your suggestion, it has been added to the list of possible modifications for a future version.
Mark Culos Replied
Employee Post
As a workaround, you could consider a customized quote format that lists only the stock code, quantity, and price with the output destination intended for a text file. When you want to "merge" quotes, print the source quotes to file then from the target quote, use the "Load from File" function to add those line items.
Mark Culos Replied
Employee Post
After a discussion with the development team, your suggestion has been accepted for the Atrex 16 short list so baring any unforeseen difficulties, quote merging will be part of the next release

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