PO receiving import
Question asked by Helios - 7/23/2024 at 6:50 PM
Hello everyone,
Atrex 21 user here. When i need to receive a PO I import the  SKUs to match the PO (along with the qty received etc) using a text file.
Does anybody know if it is possible to populate also the other fields (invoice number, shipping costs etc.) using a file template? 
Thank you in advance for your help!

2 Replies

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Mark Culos Replied
Employee Post

The "Load from File" function allows you to affect the PO line items on the PO only.  It is intended to update many line items at once.

The transaction fields (i.e., Invoice #, Shipping, Tax, GST) must be entered manually.
Helios Replied
Thank you for the prompt reply Mark, much appreciated!

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