Edited Report Designer
Verified that it is working properly in preview. But once loaded into Atrex itself, it only shows blank page
Im baffled as why this is so. Is there any particular reason this happens or is it by design?
anyway, this is a sample of the modified SQL
SELECT ar.TransDate Date, ar.SequenceNumber S,
if(ar.Reference + ' | ' + ar.Terms is null then ' ' else ar.Reference + ' | ' + ar.Terms) RefT,
ARTransTypeDescr(ar.TransType) + ': ' + Cast(ar.TransNum as VarChar(15)) Transaction,
cust.CustNum, Cast(if(cust.FirstName is null then Cust.LastName else cust.LastName + ', ' + Cust.FirstName) as varCHAR(80)) Customer,
payment.Amount as AmountCollected,
payment.PaymentType "Payment Type"
FROM ar ar INNER JOIN cust cust ON
(cust.CustNum = ar.CustNum)
INNER JOIN Payment Payment ON
(Payment.TransNum = ar.TransNum)
AND (Payment.TransType = ar.TransType)
WHERE ( ar.TransDate = CURRENT_DATE )
SELECT ar.TransDate Date, ar.SequenceNumber S,
if(ar.Reference + ' | ' + ar.Terms is null then ' ' else ar.Reference + ' | ' + ar.Terms) RefT,
ARTransTypeDescr(ar.TransType) + ': ' + Cast(ar.TransNum as VarChar(15)) Transaction,
cust.CustNum, Cast(if(cust.FirstName is null then Cust.LastName else cust.LastName + ', ' + Cust.FirstName) as varCHAR(80)) Customer,
ar.Balance Amount,
0.00 as AmountCollected,
'Account' "Payment Type"
FROM ar ar INNER JOIN cust cust ON
(cust.CustNum = ar.CustNum)
WHERE (( ar.TransDate = CURRENT_DATE )
AND (( ar.Balance <> 0 ) or (ar.TotalPaid = 0)))
ORDER BY ar.TransDate, ar.SequenceNumber