Stock Value
Question asked by Shibana Abdulsattar - 7/20/2020 at 7:12 AM
would like to know how do you take stock value by date to date

3 Replies

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Mark Culos Replied
Employee Post

The inventory valuation for any date other than the current date can be calculated by taking the current value, adding the value of all invoiced inventory, and subtracting the value of all received inventory.  This assumes that you have not manually altered the on hand quantity over the period.
Shibana Abdulsattar Replied
Thanks, but my question was how to generate a report which can show value of inventory items based on cost price and on a specific date 
Mark Culos Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer

The method I suggested will give you that value by working back to the date in question.  There is no report that allows you select a date and display the value as of that date, the only inventory value report is as of the current date.

If you have a backup from the date you want the inventory valued, you can restore that backup and print the inventory valuation report which will give you what you are seeking.

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