Is there a report that shows the number of individual parts sold in a period of time? Should show stock code, description, manufacturer, quantity sold cost and retail price. Should be able to dump to Excel for maipulation.
Question asked by Frank B Austin - 6/13/2021 at 12:43 AM
I want to see the totals of each stock code sold over a period so I can update max min order quantities based on what was sold in a selected period.

5 Replies

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Terry Swiers Replied
Employee Post
Select "Reports - Sales - Custom Summary" from the main menu.  This will show you the average price, total quantity, total cost, and the net for each high level item sold during that period of time.  This report can be sent to either the screen directly to an excel spreadsheet.
Frank B Austin Replied
Thanks. This is the part sales from "sales" not service orders correct?
Terry Swiers Replied
Employee Post
There is a similar report for service.
Frank B Austin Replied
I don't see under my Reports-Service a report called Custom Summary? I am looking for a list showing what you described over a time period with no customer names, SO# etc. 
Terry Swiers Replied
Employee Post Marked As Answer
I believe "Reports - Service - Summary Inventory" is what you are looking for.

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